miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Educación Bilingúe Interculturañ en Honduras Que Falta

Educacion Bilingüe Intercultural en Honlebgua de su etniduras

Cuando yo estabba en Honduras en escribí un articulo en 2013 para Honduras Weekly sobre por que educacion bilingue intercultural n Honduras no marchaba bien.  Yo identificó en este articulo creyencia en brujería la  razón que no enseñan plantas medicinales. Pero es mas complicado que este.
sLa asesora la ecuatoriana Dra. Ruth Moya no diferenció  bien la situación de las lenguas autóctonas.
Los niños Pech, chorti, y Gariifuna no entienden los idiomas de su étnia, excepto los Garifunas de Iriona.
Los maestros Pech and Chorti tiene un fluidez limitado en sus idiomas, entonces no entienden las  eescrito como si fueran hablantes nativos de su idioma autoctona. Ellos me pidieron piedir que se traduzcan los libros como la pre-cartilla y la catilla de Pech y Chorti a Español.
Para el idioma Pech se publicódos dos pre-cartillas. Si setienen utilidad.Pero no se distribuyeron a las escules Pech por razones desconocidos.

Sería mas factible escribir un texto que se organiza por gramtica y vocabulario. Hay maestros de Inglés en la UPN y la UNAH quienes conocen las tecnicas de enseñnarsecunda lenguas. Repuesta Fisica Total. Repetir, y similar ejercios se puede utilizar para ensenar gramatica y vocabulario.

  Está en proceso de escribir este artículo

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Honduras Weekly Remembered

Honduras Weekly Remembered

Honduras Weekly was an online English language newspaper editted by Marco Carceres. Mr. Caceres had previously bee famous for getting people together who wanted to help Honduras, known as Project Honduras.. Mr. Caceres was a Honduran who immigrated to the US while in his teens with his parents. Honduras Weekly was a labor of love as advertising did not bring in much revenue.The journalists worked for free.

The newspaper began around 2012 and ended in 2015. Its archive is no loner online. Me. Caceres said he had to devote more time to paying work as he had a child who was getting ready to go to college.

Besides myself the only other Honduras This Week reporter publishing with Honduras Weekly was W.E. Gutman,a professional journalist. Some new regular reporters were CUSO voluntters based in Copan Ruinas,

The paper published a lot of different types if articles by me. They were as different as inauguration of the Honduran Mormon temple, a book review of David Flores's Historic
Evolution of  Honduran Folkdances, a 10 article series related to the movie Garifuna in Peril,a 5 article series related to the Honduran electoral process and explaining the fraud in the 2013 presidential election, and how drug traffickers are worsening Honduran Indian and Garifuna land problems. Some of the articles got over 20,000 hits.

I owe Marco Carceres an apology. A lot of things contributed to me having a bout of paranoia.This affected one of my articles. It also affected a blog article where I did not want to be on the Internet  because I thought people on the Internet were using my articles and photos for negative actions. I don't have his email now that he does not have the editor@hondurasweekly.com address and so I am posting this apology on my blog.